Outlaw Dirty Money Constitutional Amendment
The Outlaw Dirty Money Headquarters is located at 747 W Roosevelt St., Phoenix 85007. Parking is off Roosevelt, immediately west of 7th ave on the SW corner.
Hours - Notary Present Sun July 1: 9am - 5pm Mon July 2: 9am - 7pm Tues July 3: 9am - 7pm Wed July 4: 9am - Midight Thurs July 5: 8am - Noon
Outlaw Dirty Money is a statewide, grassroots, nonpartisan group of concerned Arizona citizens. We are organizing to get the Stop Political Money Constitutional Amendment on the 2018 ballot. Powerful, wealthy people and corporations, often from other states, spend unlimited amounts of money influencing our elections, hiding who they are. The result is that citizens are bombarded with messages by way of negative attack ads, robo calls, misleading mail pieces and more. Citizens have a right to know who is spending dirty money to oppose or support candidates or ballot measures. We need to gather 255,000 valid signatures by July 5, 2018 - which means we must collect 300,000 signatures from registered voters across the state of Arizona. Please join us by signing the petition, donating to the cause, and by volunteering with the campaign!
Please check our Facebook “Events” tab often as we are adding events throughout the state!
Sign & return "Outlaw Dirty Money" petitions at the following locations (see link): https://outlawdirtymoney.com/depots/